Elite Entrepreneur Sharing Series

Complementary to the formal education of EPIN, the “Elite Entrepreneur Sharing Series” offers students opportunities to not only learn from but also network with elite entrepreneurs, who could potentially become their mentors or investors.

Workshops in the series

“Working in a corporate vs. starting your own business; a scientist vs. an entrepreneur”

Hosting guests: Mr. Lau Siu Ying, Steve (keynote speaker), Mr. Yao Gang (guest speaker), Mr. Li Yiheng (guest speaker), Mr. Chiu Hoi-bun (guest Speaker)

Keynote speaker

  • Lau Siu Ying, Steve

A notable CUHK alumnus, the founder and Chairman of China Fortune Holdings Limited and the founder of Eagles Fund, Steve is not only a seasoned entrepreneur but also an experienced and insightful angel investor.

Guest speakers

  • Yao Gang, the founder of nextWifi;
  • Li Yiheng, the founder of SoPay;
  • Chiu Hoi-bun, the founder of KikiTech.

Three young entrepreneurs, Yao Gang, Li Yiheng and Chiu Hoi-bun, who are all accomplished in their own field and whose start-ups were listed under Eagles Fund’s profile, have been invited by Steve for an interactive forum session.


CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk

中大創業者聯盟 Happy Hour 創業訪談系列

Initiated by CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, EPIN teamed up with Alumni Affairs Office (AAO), CUAEA, CUHK Convocation, Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE), Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC), Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub (InnoHub),  IžCARE Centre for Whole-person Development, Pi Centre, and Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), to form CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) to create a persistent wave of positive synergy in driving the growth and development of entrepreneurship in CUHK in 2020. A series of CUEA Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk was rolled out in the same year to promote entrepreneurship within campus and each member of CUEA takes turns in organizing the talks.

Event website






王家徹教授現任中大商學院副院長,負責本科教育,並為EPIN創業創新副修課程聯席主任。 投身學術界之前,王教授曾任多家國際廣告集團之創作總監,並曾於本地及國際廣告大獎屢獲殊榮。



許多企業表示他們正在提供AI技術,許多公司表示將使用AI技術,但是公司如果不知道AI是如何真正為他們的業務增值,那麼這些努力都會白費掉! 公司的真正需要是什麼?AI人工智能技術如何真正提供幫助,到底人工智能的商業模式是甚麼?在這個分享會,我們將討論如何開發一些AI人工智能的商業模型。



陳志邦教授創辦了提供商務顧問服務的迪思顧問有限公司與專注於技術公司前期投資的伯樂創建投資。陳教授曾任職麥肯錫國際管理顧問公司(McKinsey & Company)。此外,陳教授也曾是a-connect(中國)的聯合首席執行官,以提供專業諮詢顧問服務;他亦為EF集團公司的Englishtown.com的中國總經理,提供在線語言培訓服務。作為一個連續創業者,陳教授參與多家科技公司的項目,範疇包括數碼信號處理(DSP)的應用,綜合數碼通信,流動設備的應用,電子商務解決方案和電子學習領域。





香港數碼港管理有限公司 – 創業家總監

蘇雅麗女士在2011年加入香港數碼港,之前曾於香港科技園,及知名的跨國塑料,化學品和製藥公司工作。她現職數碼港,帶領團隊透過數碼港創意微型基金、數碼港培育計劃及Smart-Space共享工作間培育創科人才,提供財務支持和專業服務,協助初創加速業務發展。她擁有公共及社會管理學士學位及工程商業管理碩士學位,常擔任科技獎項及創新資助計劃的評審,包括香港資訊及通訊科技獎、阿里巴巴 Jumpstarter 2017、麻省理工學院的國際融合創新大賽2019、Technovation、大學科技初創企業資助計劃等。她是香港電腦學會的執行委員會成員及項目管理協會的項目管理專業人員。



劉芷申教授現任中大商學院副教授及創業研究中心副主任。劉教授獲英屬哥倫比亞大學(UBC) 博士學位,主修組織行為學。她的研究範疇包括多元化與分化管理 (diversity and faultline management)、人際關係與信任 (interpersonal trust)、中國初創團隊建立與管理等 (start-up team success and management in greater China)。在投身學術界之前,劉教授在香港及加拿大多家財務機構工作。






聲昔再現 The Voice of History 聯合創辦人

劉珈余校友 Kelly 畢業於香港中文大學環球經濟與金融系,現從事金融監管相關工作。Kelly一直熱衷於社會創新,希望以新穎的方法創造具可持續性的社會效益。鑑於香港的文化記憶及社區歷史慢慢被遺忘,Kelly希望藉著聲昔再現讓老友記有一個平台和年輕一輩分享香港的故事,並透過跨代共創,令兩代有更多了解、交流和協作的機會,締造一個更共融的社會。







大和堂咖啡店創辦人石浚鏗先生 (Henry) 將分享他創立大和堂的過程和營運心得。有興趣知道百年建築如何搖身一變為今日的特色咖啡店,達致新舊交融,就不能錯過是次分享!

講者:石浚鏗先生 (Henry) 


於英國牛津大學修讀經濟及管理系的Henry,畢業後曾從事網上團購及地產租務的工作。發現對香港情懷及飲食文化情有獨鍾,毅然創業餐飲公司。除了活化及保育大和堂外,去年再開設外賣店Mama Mia Pizzeria。

主持:王家徹教授 (Andy) 




CUHK Data Hack

EPIN teamed up with CUHK Library, Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE), and other fellow CUHK units to co-organize a Hackathon with the theme of “Post-COVID-19 Opportunities: What people want to do after the pandemic?”. The hackathon aims to promote innovation skills, including data and digital competency and enhancing multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional collaboration among CUHK students and staff. 

Main Theme: Post-COVID-19 Opportunities: What People want to Do After the Pandemic 


  • Health and Ageing Issues 
  • Leisure, Retail and Tourism  
  • Media, Culture and Entertainment 
  • Financial Industry 


  • Within 48 hours, participants will apply knowledge and skills from what they have learnt in the pre-hackathon workshops about data mining to solve the current problem in the Post-COVID-19 era. Participants shall select one sub-theme among the four and work as a one group to provide a solution in an innovative way. Participants will have a group presentation of their solutions in Day 3.
  • The winning presentations will be awarded various prizes.

Eligibility and registration

We welcome CUHK students and staff to join in teams or as individuals. To join in teams, each group should have 3 to 5 members and should comprise of students from both faculty groups 1 and 2:

Group 1: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Science
Group 2: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science


Organising Committee

  • Prof. Qijin Cheng (Department of Social Work, CUHK) 
  • Prof. Peichi Chung (Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK) 
  • Prof. Anthony Fung (School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK) 
  • Ms. Lily Ko (CUHK Library) 
  • Ms. Joyce Leung (Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPIN) Minor Programme, CUHK) 
  • Prof. Timothy Leung (Department of Social Work, CUHK) 
  • Dr. Frank Ng (Department of Management, School of Business Administration, CUHK) 
  • Ms. Kitty Siu (CUHK Library) 
  • Prof. Bernard Suen (Centre for Entrepreneurship, CUHK) 
  • Prof. Andy Wong (Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPIN) Minor Programme, CUHK) 
  • Dr. Kwong Cheong Wong (Data Science and Policy Studies Programme, CUHK) 
  • Prof. Wilson Wong (Data Science and Policy Studies Programme, CUHK) 


  • CUHK Library
  • Centre for Entrepreneurship, CUHK
  • Data Science and Policy Studies Programme, CUHK
  • Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK
  • Department of Management, CUHK
  • Department of Social Work, CUHK
  • School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK


CUHK Webinar: Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Have you ever though about translating your innovative ideas into action and starting your own business? In the webinar, three young CUHK alumni entrepreneurs will share their career ambitions and how they have coped with different challenges when establishing their start-ups. Join us and get ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey!


  • Mr. Eric Kuo, Co-founder of R-Guardian
  • Mr. Tong Song, Co-founder of NEX Team
  • Ms. Winnie Lee, Co-founder of Spread-it


  • Prof. Andy Wong, Co-director of EPIN, CUHK


  • Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK
  • Office of Academic Links, CUHK